
(Our) people, with our brand: How the new LOBA website was born

novo website loba

For some time now, LOBA has identified 2021 as the year of change, challenges and achievements. So, in 2020 we set to work and started to prepare the "best site ever", as it is affectionately called by the team.

The process began, as is natural, with a lot of research and study. Then, we narrowed down our range of options and, literally, put everything on the table. 

The challenge was huge! After these first steps, we already knew that the new site would have 2 main goals: 

To be a platform dedicated to (our) people, who make it happen every day...

On the new LOBA site, each lobatic is entitled to his/her own page, where they can talk about themselves, their background, interests - lobatic ramblings included - and also upload photos.  

Besides this "personal" component, on the page of each team member it is possible to access the projects he/she has worked on and the blog articles written. See our team page here.

...and to our projects.

Nothing speaks "for us" like the projects we are involved in.  We work with the utmost care and delivery. Each project is unique, and it's important to reflect that on our site. 

With the house in order, it's time to decorate the spaces

We started to create and bring the new LOBA site to life. We didn't want a different language, or to break with everything that had been done in the past. What we did want was an evolution of the brand.


Our design team decided to develop three possible solutions so that we could explore different paths, perspectives and mindsets. 
This approach allowed us to get the best out of each proposal and, thus,  the first traces of LOBA's site image began to emerge. 



And no house works without (good) technology 

LOBA's new site also brings new technological features. 

We have chosen to use the ONNOV platform, an ultra fast 'headless' CMS that provides automatic updates, in order to keep the platform always secure and up-to-date. Its flexibility and customization allows it to comfortably support any challenge. 

ONNOV is also irreverent - its development is supported by frameworks and languages such as node.js, vue.js, php and a reference database management system, PostgreSQL . 

This is how the "best website ever" was born, but the project is not over - the continuous improvement process is ongoing and the whole team can contribute with their suggestions.

We know we're not the ones to say it, but we really believe that the new LOBA site is more than just an agency website. It is a mirror of our skills and a reflection of who we are, with a unique identity, materialized in the slogan think. connect. grow. fiercely. 



Think we can do the same for your website?

Contact us! 



    • 2024 LOBA
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