Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Assessment: Why you should consider this tool before any online initiative

Since the beginning of the pandemic, data increasingly points to the growth of online sales. Several companies have consolidated their digital presence and many others have started down this path, driven by the success and positive indicators of those already leading the race. However, starting a digital transformation process should entail some reflection and analysis. It’s more than creating a website and start selling; it is essential to create a digital marketing assessment that supports our actions throughout this process. 

First of all, let's get to the most recent facts about digitalisation and e-commerce in Portugal:

Fonte: INE 

Now, how can these facts impact business success? In this article you will find out:

  1. How the current context has changed the way consumers buy and relate in digital media
  2. Why we should consider, in any business strategy, a digital marketing assessment;
  3. What are the digital marketing tools that LOBA offers its clients

How the current context has changed the way consumers buy and relate in digital media

In the last two years, there is a clear change in consumers' purchasing behaviour. In a fast-growing market, digital media have become the goal of any and all businesses. Therefore, "staying online" has opened space to "being online". And what does this mean?

Until 2018, more than half of businesses in Portugal did not even have a simple webpage, website or a Facebook presence (ACEPI: Digital Economy in Portugal 2018).

Until 2019, the online presence was considered an alternative to traditional offline channels. By then, medium and large companies had consolidated themselves in the digital space, as opposed to SMEs, which would be starting a path in a still unexplored territory.

By 2020, total European e-commerce revenue grew to €757 billion, representing a 10% increase from €690 billion in 2019. (European E-commerce Report 2021). In 2021, e-commerce sales accounted for 4% of the €192 billion GDP (about €7.4 billion), and in the year the pandemic arrived in our country, we witnessed a true 'deconfinement' of the national e-commerce, with an increase in sales of about 26%

And what about 2022? 

Although we are still in the middle of the year, one thing is certain: there are plenty of phenomena happening, and companies can’t ignore it: (Marktest/21)

  • Twitch and Telegram were the networks with the highest penetration growth in the last year
  • Facebook was the network with the highest abandonment rate
  • The number of social networks where the Portuguese have an account has more than doubled in 10 years
  • 70% of users recall having seen advertising on social networks
  • More than a third of users have already made purchases on social networks
  • More than half of the users follow public figures on social networks


Why we should consider a digital marketing assessment

As we have just seen, the trends point to growth and some consolidation of the presence of businesses in digital channels, which is also influenced by the growing demands of consumers, now more accustomed to shopping online and, therefore, with higher levels of demand. 

That is why, at LOBA, we assess the customer experience and have a broad portfolio of solutions that consider UX Design in every business.

More than ever, outlining a digital marketing strategy is crucial to the success of your business, essentially for these reasons:

  • E-commerce is no longer a secondary sales channel. For many companies, it is now the main revenue channel
  • The shopping experience must be subject to continuous improvement, becoming increasingly simple and intuitive, making a difference in a digital scenario that is already explored and known by consumers
  • Consumers spend more time online, particularly on social networks. These should, therefore, be part of an omnichannel sales strategy, integrating a global digital marketing strategy.


A digital marketing assessment does not only take into account online sales, but a whole set of strategies, which, well managed, can bring results in the medium and long term for companies.

The digital marketing tools LOBA offers its clients

In this sense, more than staying, companies must be and think online. Outlining an action plan is essential to differentiate themselves and use the media to their advantage, since it is not enough to have a website, open an account on social networks and wait for deals to happen. It is necessary to generate flow, personalise products and services and provide a positive response to customer expectations. Aspects such as customer service in e-commerce, for example, help to attract, win and retain customers.

At LOBAbx, we help all our partners and customers, from all segments and sizes, with the creation of a digital marketing assessment.

For each diagnosis, we assign a Project Manager who articulates all the communication between the technical development team and the client. In addition, we have a multidisciplinary and experienced team, which adjusts to the needs of each client. 

The digital marketing assessment includes 3 distinct phases: Knowledge, Strategy and Action Plan

During the initial phase, Knowledge, the goal is to analyse the current strategy, to understand the type of digital marketing actions or strategies (what they do and have done in the past; how they do it and the results obtained), the current and desired target audience. In this phase, the following actions are also considered

  • Competitor analysis; 
  • Online Platforms' Analysis; 
  • SEO Audit;
  • Social networks used;
  • Email marketing strategy; 
  • Investment in online advertising media.

In addition to this analysis, we also explore issues such as the existence of databases, automation processes, available online platforms, among others. 

Knowledge is a more intense learning phase, which generates a lot of material and supports phase 2, Strategy. It is in this phase that we analyse the marketing and sales funnel, which represents the path taken by our audience to becoming a customer.  These are some aspects that characterise the sales funnel:

  • Attraction: In this phase, it is important to create the content, the campaigns and pick the most suitable channels to attract the potential customer to our products. Typically, this is the top or middle phase of the funnel.
  • Nurturing: If the traffic is generating interest on the part of the potential customer and we are maintaining a good relationship (nurturing), he begins to move down the funnel, going from the top to the middle and becoming a lead (potential contact for conversion)
  • Conversion/Sales: After being qualified in the previous stage, the leads go down to the bottom of the funnel and are about to convert - to purchase our services, to make a subscription, to buy a product. At this stage, the right incentive (a discount or other type of added value for the customer) help effect the conversion. 
  • Analysis of results: Analyse, realising whether the metrics and
  • KPI used are in line with the objectives. In short: we must measure, analyse and constantly improve.


In the last phase, we have the Action Plan, which is the operational concretisation of everything we have learned, put into practice in accordance with the objectives of each client. This plan includes:

  • Digital Action Plan with an analysis of the current situation, contextualization of the challenge and the definition of the new digital strategy, contemplating all the actions and channel
  • A chronogram with the schedulling of the actions, means and objectives for each stage of the project

LOBA's digital marketing team has the right professionals to help you create a digital marketing diagnosis and then implement an action plan to leverage your business. 

We are ready to collaborate with you! Contact us to learn more.

    • 2024 LOBA
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