



The website was developed to ensure full compatibility with mobile devices, developed using responsive design, thus automatically adapting all the information to the resolution used on the different mobile devices that visitors are using. The website was designed using custom-made webdesign and structured to contain the areas necessary for the project's needs, as well as the programming of the entire structure of the website both in Frontend and Backoffice (CMS), using Wordpress technology.

I-charging - Background - LOBAbx
I-charging - 2 - LOBAbx
imagem 1 - LOBAbx
I-charging - left side - LOBAbx
I-charging - right side - LOBAbx
I-charging - left side - LOBAbx
gid waves - LOBAbx
I-charging - interface 2 - LOBAbxI-charging - interface 1 - LOBAbx


I-charging - Horizantal scroll - LOBAbx
I-charging - Horizantal scroll - LOBAbx
I-charging - Horizantal scroll - LOBAbx
I-charging - Horizantal scroll - LOBAbx
I-charging - Expand to side
I-charging - Expand to side
gif - LOBAbx
I-charging 5 - LOBAbx
I-charging 5.1 - LOBAbx
I-charging 5.2 - LOBAbx

    • 2024 LOBA
      european funds logos
      european funds logos
      european funds logos
      european funds logos