
Materials for the LKA - CCI

European Projects . Video

Toolkit LKA - Materiais para a LKA (Lower Saxony State Office of Criminal Investigation)

The video is part of a toolkit developed during this project that aims to support local police i the area of Predictive Policing.

LOBA was responsible for the key visual, storyboard, motion design, sound editting and voice-over casting. 

Toolkit LKA - Patrol - Boxed Image - LOBAbx
Toolkit LKA - Patrol - Expand to side 1 - LOBAbx
Toolkit LKA - Patrol - Expand to side 2 - LOBAbx


Toolkit LKA - Patrol - Image Full size - LOBAbx
Toolkit LKA - Patrol - DualParallax
Toolkit LKA - Patrol - DualParallax 2
Toolkit LKA - Patrol - Image Full size 2 - LOBAbx
Toolkit LKA - Patrol - RightSideOverlap - LOBAbx
Toolkit LKA - Patrol - RightSideOverlap 2 - LOBAbx
Toolkit LKA - Patrol - DoisBlocosSubrepostos 2 - LOBAbx
Toolkit LKA - Patrol - Image Full size 3 - LOBAbx

    • 2024 LOBA
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