
case study Management platform for industrial tourism

Turismo Industrial de S. João da Madeira
case study Plataforma de gestão do Turismo Industrial

Created in 2012, S. João da Madeira Industrial Tourism programme was one of the ways that the municipality found to preserve this important industrial legacy and, at the same time, promote the economic and social development of the region.

With more than 300,000 visitors, this successful programme offers daily industrial tours in which visitors explore factories in full operation, industrial museums, and other emblematic spaces of the local history and economy.


Given the growing volume of tourists and those interested in the programme, creating a platform for managing visits became a priority, dropping the inefficient manual management of visits.

Based on the requirements presented by Turismo Industrial de S. João da Madeira, a solution was designed and developed using Zoho Creator to:

  • Automate tasks
  • Facilitate data entry
  • Provide more effective and faster indicators

The platform's home screen shows a day-by-day overview of open requests, visits, and proposals.

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Zoho Creator made it possible to automatically integrate all the visit requests, thanks to the booking form on the Turismo Industrial de S. João da Madeira website, which already contains all the visit data.

After analysing the visit requests,

proposals are created using the respective data. These allow for direct management of the day's programme, scheduling with partners, and the financial component, namely invoicing and payments.

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Monitor management

This platform also includes all the management of the monitors who accompany the visits, including their availability and associated costs. These costs are also taken into account in the proposal and, at a later stage, after the visit has been approved and carried out, used to calculate indicators.

With the 'calendar view' option, the user can see all the proposals for a given period and their different statuses, giving them an organised overview of the visits.

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Zoho Creator


Finally, the platform offers various statistics. In a very extensive and complete map, a time interval can be defined to display data on all the visits carried out, including visitors and places of visit, their types, monitor management, and the financial component.

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    • 2024 LOBA
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