
Case Study - Fundação de Serralves


Fundação de Serralves
Case Study - Fundação de Serralves

The work with the Serralves Foundation began on October 2020, after drawing up a strategic plan and defining with the customer the actions to be taken.

The main goals are to increase the number of visitors and friends to the Serralves Foundation, to reinforce its national and international notoriety, visibility and credibility, to promote the foundation's sustainability and commitment to its employees and the community.

We also aimed stimulating the interest and knowledge of audiences from different origins and ages in the topics of contemporary art, architecture, landscape and critical themes for society and its future.

The implementation of the strategy and respective plan, with a monthly production of around 300 posts per network (Instagram and Facebook) resulted in a growth in numbers and results.

Rules, procedures and prioritization of objectives were outlined. Adjustments and adaptations to the initial plan and methodology took place continuously.

LOBA also accompanied events in person, thus reinforcing the goals to be achieved.

The results are notorious, both in an increase in followers, interaction and reach, and also with an increase in face-to-face demand.

For better transparency and perception of results, we present organic data for each of the social networks, from a 3-month temporal sample.

The focus remains on increasing the community, which has already surpassed the barrier of 125K followers on Instagram and 245K on Facebook, and increased interaction rates in publications.

Fundação Serralves - 1 - LOBAbx

The Serralves Foundation was created in 1989 and is...

holder of a valuable historical and cultural heritage, comprising the Museum, Casa de Serralves and Serralves Park. Its vision is to be a center of reference and a center of knowledge, in Portugal and in the world, in the domains of Contemporary Art, Architecture, Landscape and critical issues for society and its future, promoting the diversity of cultural offer through an innovative intervention that, in a sustained way, it attracts diverse audiences and induces the support of the Community.


Fundação Serralves - 2 - LOBAbx
Fundação Serralves - 3 - LOBAbx
Fundação Serralves - GIF - LOBAbx
Fundação Serralves - Estratégia - LOBAbx
Fundação Serralves - BOXED - LOBAbx
Fundação Serralves - Desempenho - LOBAbx


Fundação Serralves - Resultados facebook - LOBAbx
Fundação Serralves - Resultados instagram - LOBAbx
Fundação Serralves -final - LOBAbx
Fundação Serralves -doisblocos
Fundação Serralves -doisblocos 2

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