

Branding . European Projects


The final logo showcases the perfect balance between the BIOVOICES identity - through making use of similar colours and reshaping its symbolic leaf -, whilst at the same time bringing a new set of earthy colours and other components that set the tone for Transition2bio’s unique identity.

Branding TRANSITION2BIO - Fullscreen - LOBAbx
Branding TRANSITION2BIO - Normal - LOBAbx
Branding TRANSITION2BIO - Fullscreen 2 - LOBAbx
Branding TRANSITION2BIO - Normal 2 - LOBAbx
Branding TRANSITION2BIO - Fullscreen 3 - LOBAbx
Branding TRANSITION2BIO - Normal 3 - LOBAbx


Branding TRANSITION2BIO - Divisão
Branding TRANSITION2BIO - Divisão 2
Branding TRANSITION2BIO - fullscreen 4 - LOBAbx

    • 2024 LOBA
      european funds logos
      european funds logos
      european funds logos
      european funds logos