6 partners
6 countries
2 years (2014-2016)
€ 1.056.513,40 funding
Ended project
FOResight Coordination for Europe contributed to knowledge awareness and to fostering further research in the security field through consolidating networking capacity of institutions in Europe.
FORCE reviewed Security foresight studies and Security horizon-scanning activities in FP7 and elsewhere in Europe and produce, based on this work, a Foresight Model and corresponding Intelligent Decision Support system, evolvable and scalable with future Foresight research activities conducted in Europe. The Foresight model also offered a contact platform for researcher and decision-maker to enable exchange and collaboration. FORCE was disseminated widely in the EU and Associated States.
Our role
LOBA was responsible for developing a consolidated plan for the communication activities and disseminating the results of the project in a variety of ways on an on-going basis.
The main actions were the development of the project visual identity, the creation and maintenance of the project website , the electronic newsletters and the participation at relevant conferences/special meetings/workshops/events.