
Why choose a career in Salesforce?

Betting on a career in Salesforce is increasingly an option for many professionals, whether they are entering the market or want to restructure their path. The technological giant will create 11,000 jobs in Portugal by 2026 and 4,2 million worldwide by 2024. Check more reasons to pursue a career in Salesforce in our article.

Salesforce technology has become better known in Portugal for its innovative features for customer management, sales, services and marketing. However, many people are still unaware that behind the technology is a company with a global ecosystem that is constantly growing and evolving.

With the increase in sales in Portugal, Salesforce has invested in creating more jobs in our country (having even opened its first office in Lisbon in 2022) and in strengthening relationships with its partners, including LOBA, the first Salesforce partner in Portugal. 

In addition to all this growth, it is increasingly simple to start acquiring the knowledge needed to pursue a career in Salesforce. Let's see why:  

  1. You can start today.

    You can start planning your career and develop skills in Salesforce righ now. The company platform, Trailhead, is available for free, and you can find out more about all the possible career paths and start your learning 100% online and according to your availability.

  2. Anyone can start a career in Salesforce.

    Regardless of profile, academic background or work experience, anyone can start their career in Salesforce.

    Furthermore, any kind of skills you may already have, whether in sales, services, marketing, design, or other areas, can be fitted into one of Salesforce's career paths, thus adding value to the knowledge you already have.  There are no prerequisites to start a career in Salesforce, just will and determination!
  3. Your knowledge will be highly valued.

    There is a growing need on the part of Salesforce and its partners, like LOBA, to hire people with skills in this technology, and for several areas. Your knowledge will be highly valued!

    In addition, Salesforce is a globally recognised company, with a very well structured and comprehensive technology architecture. If you are already working in Salesforce, there will be more practical opportunities to learn and acquire new knowledge, both on a business and technological level. And those will definitely make you more valued on the market!
  4. There's a lot of room to grow.

    The Salesforce world is very diverse and there is a lot to learn.
    Your career won't be stagnant, as the technology is constantly evolving; there are always more features to discover and skills to acquire. Plus, there are lots of different roles to choose from as you gain experience.

Begin a career in Salesforce with LOBA

Over the years, LOBA and Salesforce have cemented a partnership that has brought us new projects, new clients, learnings and an increasingly larger and more motivated team. And because we continue to grow, we often invest in initiatives to publicise the Salesforce technology, career opportunities and showcase our experience. 


Universidade de Aveiro

Instituto Politécnico da Guarda 

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria


In addition to presentations at universities, we also organise our Salesforce Academy, which is now in its 8th edition, and aims to help people start their career in Salesforce through 60 hours of free online training guided by our team. 


All the work we have been doing in recent years, both in spreading the word about Salesforce technology in Portugal and in training professionals, has been recognized with the distinction of Community Impact Partner by Salesforce itself. This recognition makes us even more eager to work in the future and continue to grow - fiercely!



Want to know more about how you can join the LOBA Salesforce team? 

Find out about the Salesforce Academy.

Read our blog articles about Salesforce

    • 2024 LOBA
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