
Bike Tours


Bike Tours
  • Prémios Lusófonos da Criatividade . Bronze

To develop the rebranding of Bike Tours Portugal we aligned a new strategic positioning with the offer of BTP Tours, which provides a more sustainable, light, ecological and authentic tourist experience.

The logo combines three elements in a simple way: the bicycle (movement), the sun (an endless source of energy) and the wind rose (focusing on the region where BTP develops its activity - the Southwest of Portugal). The symbol is, thus, an invitation to discover the region, and the signature accompanies it in a semicircle to reinforce the idea of movement - the journey and the geographical orientation of the destination, marked by the cardinal point.

In addition to the Bike Tours rebranding, we worked on a graphic update of the website, the presentation video of the brand and the activation of the new identity on social networks.

Bike Tours - Fullscreen - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Fullscreen 2 - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Normal - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Expansão - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Expansão 2 - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Horizontal - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Horizontal 2 - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Horizontal 3 - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Fullscreen 2 - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Parallax
Bike Tours - Parallax 2
Bike Tours - Transição - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Transição 2 - LOBAbx
Bike Tours - Fullscreen 3 - LOBAbx

    • 2024 LOBA
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      european funds logos
      european funds logos
      european funds logos